February 25, 2013

In asteptarea primaverii

Primavara se apropie cu pasi repezi, pomii infloresc, pasarelele si insectele isi reiau activitatea, zarva se instaureaza din nou in natura :)
M-am gandit ca ar fi bine sa realizez si eu niste felicitari in ton cu primavara si am ales modelele de mai jos. Sper sa va placa!

1 comment:

  1. Magda, all of these cards are wonderful. However, for the House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge, you must use a House Mouse Design image of the mice, a Gruffie, or a Happy Hopper to join our challenge.
    And it has to be a new post not backlinked. Also the theme this time is ANYTHING BUT A CARD. You still have time to join us for our challenge, it runs through November 16th.



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